About US


As a Los Angeles-based CPA firm serving a diverse range of clients in Southern California and across the globe, we provide an integrated set of financial services centered on tax and business management and place an enormously high value on the personal and professional relationships we have developed with our clients over the years.

Being in charge, often for an extended range of tasks and reporting, we become a key element in guiding the financial stability of people lives’ and businesses. Knowing what’s truly important to them, their families and their interests is irreplaceable.

Performing our work efficiently and at the highest level also means engaging the new and advancing technologies being implemented in our field today.  It allows us to work with details, analytics, reporting and financial projections more easily, and overall we can simply work faster and be more responsive to our clients’ needs and timing.

Ultimately however, everything we do in our business is focused, as it has been from our founding in 1981, on providing absolute accuracy, trust and highly informed guidance. Our clients’ success will always be the best measure of our commitment and the excellence we deliver.